Thursday 29 January 2009

Electronic Cigarette Do They Help To Quit Smoking

If you are trying to quit smoking can electronic cigarettes help?

I had to write about electronic cigarettes recently and not really knowing what they were I knew I needed to do some research. I found that not only were they real but that they are actually a phenomenom right now with nigh on five million results returned on Google.

The electronic
has been in existence for almost three years and is a clever device aimed at providing smokers with a healthier option. Apparently also useful in helping to reduce and indeed quit smoking altogether.

Now in a fourth generation, electronic cigarettes have become much more user friendly than earlier versions which perhaps were a little too large to encourage a mass market appeal. The "mini"
is the most realistic e cigarette to date with its length of 100mm being the same as a conventional cigarette.

An electronic cigarette contains a taste of tobacco but none of the harmful substances found in normal cigarettes allowing smokers cravings to be satisfied without inhaling the many dangerous toxins. Is it all smoke and mirrors? Or can this item really be the saviour it wants to be?

The electronic cigarette can be held and smoked just like any other cigarette, right down to the smoke like vapour and glowing end when drawn. A battery, an atomiser and a renewable nicotine chamber creates this cigarette effect. Cartridges are available in different strengths, which slot into a nicotine chamber.
These allow the smoker, if they so wish to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine they take in and eventually to quit
altogether if desired.

A nicotine cartridge typically lasts the same time as 15 to 20 cigarettes, thus creating a h
uge saving
to normal costs. Standard, medium, low and no nicotine at all are the various cartridge strengths.

Appearing to be a much healthier alternative at least on the surface, dig a little deeper and more benefits seem reveal themselves. Smoking legally in public being one. As there are no known harmful substances being emitted from the electronic cigarette it does not fall into the same legal trappings of normal cigarettes. Smokers could remain in their warm office, restaurant or pub and smoke their electronic cigarette.

Social benefits can be found also as non smoking friends can remain present while the electronic cigarette is being smoked by their companions.

Upon reflection the electronic cigarette is a healthier, cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative to smoking and as the awareness and the market grows they have great potential to successfully replace the harmful cigarettes we have all come to know and many of us have come to dread and fear.
About the author:
As with most new things, controversy seems to follow the electronic cigarette yet smokers seem to be turning to it as an aid to quit smoking.

Electronic Cigarette Success and Controversy

Like many products before it, the electronic cigarette seems to have become stronger since the health organisations urged caution, claiming not enough testing had been done to prove them safe.

Whilst the organisations distanced themselves from the electronic cigarette, the sales have continued to grow and with the UK smoking ban now entering its second winter, the thought of standing outside the pub or office in the freezing temperatures seems to be enticing smokers to try something different.

Some pubs and bars are now even beginning to sell the electronic cigarette, realising they are becoming more popular, sensing a potential profit and that the punters are becoming more willing to try them, not simply as an alternative to a cigarette but as a genuine reason not to stand outside and freeze for a smoke.

During this time of credit crunch, many smokers who don’t actually want to quit altogether but are looking for something more affordable are also turning to the electronic cigarette.

With a little shopping around, the prices for smoking the electronic cigarette are vastly less than their standard counterparts. One such electronic cigarette company provides a table to show the significance of the savings and it goes a little bit like this:

Approximate only

lectronic Cigarettes
: 10 a day for one year = £ 122 • Real
Cigarettes : 10 a day for one year = £1004

That equals a savings of more than £800 per year.

• Electronic Cigarettes: 40 a day for one year = £ 487 • Real
Cigarettes : 40 a day for one year = £3529

That is an incredible saving of more than £3000 per year.

With those figures in mind it is not difficult to see why the electronic cigarette is becoming a very attractive proposition.

There are apparently no carcinogens or toxins in an electronic cigarette, immediately making them a far healthier alternative.
Nicotine and flavourings seem to be the only substances present in the device.

In summary, with none of the dangers of real cigarettes present, a massive cost reduction over real cigarettes and social benefits too, (no dangers of passive smoking and no restrictions under the smoking bans) the electronic cigarette still provides a nicotine flavour, revealing a very genuine alternative and potential aid for those who wish to quit

As the winter’s harsh realities sink in, at least there seems to be some hope on the horizon, not just for smokers but for their families and friends too. Perhaps if the electronic cigarette proves itself in the next few years we may be approaching a new era and a much less smoky, healthier one at that.
There is no doubting the recent success of the ,electronic cigarette. If it delivers on its promises of being healthier than real cigarettes then many more smokers are likely to turn to it in an attempt to quit smoking.